Over the past couple of months, life as we know it has changed drastically almost overnight. Hit hardest is the restaurant business that has been forced to close their dining rooms and offer curbside or delivery options to a clientele that was used to a sit-down meal outside of the house. But if there is one certainty in the COVID-19 era, it is that online ordering isn’t the future; it is the here and now. The only way not just to survive, but to thrive in the months to come, is to pivot quickly and make online ordering a breeze by adding an additional platform on your website. FuSwipe understands that time is of the essence, which is why we work quickly to get you set up to start accepting orders, not in the future; today!
Pivoting is the way not Just to Survive, but to Thrive
Although things will eventually return to normal around the globe, that doesn’t mean that there will be some changes that will last. The new convenience of curbside and delivery for restaurants that didn’t order it before will be a welcomed addition for your customer well after social distancing is a thing of the past. So not only will adding a feature for online ordering to your website help your sales now, it will be a lasting change that will inevitably open new doors and opportunities for your future. When most businesses are cutting back and retracting, now is the time to surge forward and pivot to find new ways to provide services that will far outlive COVID-19.
Need to be Made Today…Not Next Week
Those who are sitting on the sidelines waiting for things to return to the way they used to be are missing out on huge potential. Businesses who are seeing a new way to reach the consumer will fare much better throughout this crisis. And they will probably find a wealth of different ways to serve a novel niche market they hadn’t realized in the past. Where some business owners see negative, successful restaurant owners see new opportunities. But the key to realizing new streams of income, not just today, but in the future, is to get your online ordering process up and running today. Before we know it, COVID-19 will be a part of our history books. That is why it is time to act now and get people used to a new way of doing things that will increase your revenue for decades to come.
We Can Make it Happen
Our system makes it possible to get your business up and running in new and creative ways as quickly as possible. We understand that the window is very short, and appreciate that getting your restaurant in the online game now is critical. We also know how to target your niche market to find new ways of providing services. And we know how to make your business substantially more profitable.
It Takes Less Than you Think
Some restaurants will forego the addition of ordering online waiting for COVID-19 to blow over. Those who think it isn’t worth it don’t appreciate how quickly we can make it happen. And they also don’t understand all the income they are missing out on in the interim and in the future. Adding an ordering online feature to your current website is not only easy; it is quick and painless. And it will increase your bottom line exponentially right now.
Things will inevitably return to normal once the COVID-19 era is behind us. But only those restaurants who pivot and adapt will come out not just unscathed but flourishing. The restaurants that look at curbside and delivery options only as a negative will try to ride the storm out, and maybe they will, maybe they won’t. But those who pivot today and adapt to provide the consumer what they are looking for will not only survive the interim; they will thrive well after life, as we know it, returns. What are you waiting for? Now is the time to take action by contacting Fu Dog Media to make online ordering a reality for your restaurant with ease today! Our web development partners can help get you online with our payment e-commerce